Sunday, February 25, 2007

Through the Eyes of a Child

While running errands the other day with Ashlyn, she asked me if she could use my camera which happened to be in the car. As a means to keep her pacified, I said yes. When we later reviewed what she had captured...I found that they revealed a charming view of the world.


Chris Blakesley 1 said...

Ah ha! So Ashlyn loves rats, mice, giant dogs, and fries. Me, too!

Truly lovely,


Chris Blakesley 1 said...

Ah ha! So Ashlyn loves rats, mice, pretty colors, giant dogs, fries, and streets. Me, too!

truly lovely,


Jayme said...

This makes me wish Lucas could hold a camera. I'd love to see what found photo worthy.

Very fun post.

cblakes said...

very cool idea! I like the pictures, and will have to try that with Mary and Ben one day