Monday, June 30, 2008

What I have been doing... I haven't updated my blog since Oct. of last year. Pretty sad. I had all but forgotten about my blog until a friend told me today that she accidentally came across it when she googled me. I am not going to make any promises of being 'back to blogging' but will try to keep this relatively up to date.

For those of you who may be interested, since I last wrote I have been:

Getting my four kids through another year of school. Caedon just graduated from JRHS and will be entering Cedarcrest HS in the Fall! (Yikes! Where has the time gone!). Alec studied, skated and ran his way through 7th grade. Maddy kept up her social skills as well as her grades and Ashlyn has become quite the bookworm.

Practicing and studying yoga. Yoga has become a great joy in my life! Although I have practiced causually over the years, as I have greatly intensified my practice over this past year I have experienced amazing healing to my body, mind and spirit. It has become an integral part of my being.

Integrating Ayurveda into my life. This, like yoga, has had a great healing affect in my life. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word which means the science of life (Ayur means “life” + Veda which means “science” or “knowledge”). It strives to bring wellness through balance and empowers the individual to take care of themselves. If you are interested in reading more visit Fern Life Center.

Reading: These Is My Words, Dancing with Einstein, Perfect Health: The Complete Mind/Body Guide, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, The Dance of the Dissident Daughter, Nature's Medicine, The Way the Crow Flies, Living Buddha Living Christ, Lovely Bones, Demons, A New Earth, Living Your Yoga, Eyes Breath Memory...