"It is possible for the human spirit to be broken, then to rise again, as a Phoenix from the ashes; and the power of the imaginative mind, the power of books...is one way that rising can take place." ~ Sandy Wells, "The Letters"
Here are some ways you can help: Voices to Afganistan, Books for Soldiers, Books to Prisoners
Chantelle- Thanks for the links. I love your posts. In a similar vein, my book club is sponsoring a middle aged woman in Afghanistan through Women for Women International. Each month, we discuss a book (this month it is Worldchanging, which is pretty interesting), write her a letter, and send money (I think $38 dollars or something close to it pays for a month of schooling.) The book club discussions the last few months have been a little dull, so at least we are doing something productive. Tomorrow's discussion should prove very interesting, since at least one woman refused to read the book because Al Gore wrote the introduction.
kate: i love the idea of sponsoring middle aged women in furthering education. i will check it out! let me know how you like the book; it sounds inspiring and has received great reviews on amazon so far. i would like to know how the discussion goes as well ;)
So sad. I just typed a really long comment, explaining about the laughable-ness of the book club, and the comment didn't publish. And now, Lucas is really getting "excited," so I'll have to fill you in later. Suffice it to say, a book club where only myself and the host reads the books is going to be cancelled (someone had designated it an "enrichment activity") and reconvened under different auspices.
kate: ah...that is too bad! i checked out women to women int'l and and looking forward to finding out who i am matched to. i didn't select a country; left it up to "the most need". thanks for the info. it is a fantastic site.
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